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Command Line Interface (CLI)

Kit4DL provides users with a conveninent CLI to create, run, or resume experiments.

Creating an empty project

In order to create an empty project in the current working directory, use the following command:

kit4dl init

If you want to specify a custom name for the experiment directory, use --name option:

kit4dl init --name=my-custom-project

Running train-validation loop

To run the training just type the following command:

kit4dl train

If you want to run also test for best saved weight, use flag --test:

kit4dl train --test

Specifying path to the configuration file

kit4dl train --conf=/path/to/your/conf.toml

Note: By default, Kit4DL searches for the conf.toml file in the current working directory. If you want to specify the other path or the name of your configuration file differs from the expected one (conf.toml), use --config option:

Overwriting configuration


Available since 2024.5b0

You can overwrite any configuration option with CLI argument called overwrite. Just specify a comma-separated string of options to replace. Nested keys are available using . (dot operator). Below, you can see an example.

To overwrite logging level to ERROR and to change learning rate to 0.5, just run

kit4dl train --conf=/path/to/your/conf.toml --overwrite "logging.level=error,"