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Quick start

Below, you can find quick start quide for Kit4DL.

Step 1. Create a virtual environment

You can use venv built-it package:

python -m venv ai
and activate it using appropriate file in ai/bin directory.

You can also use conda environments:

conda create -n ai python=3.11
and activate it using the command

conda activate ai

Step 2. Install Kit4DL

Either using PyPI repository:

pip install kit4dl 

or using Anaconda repository:

conda install -c conda-forge kit4dl

Step 3. Prepare an empty Kit4DL project:

kit4dl init --name=my-first-project # (1)!
  1. Parameter --name is optional and, by default, takes value new_kit4dl_project

Step 4. Prepare TOML configuration file

All configuration stuff related to ANN learning, validation and testing is managed by the configuration file in TOML format. When you create an empty Kit4DL project, you'll get example config.toml file with the following structure:

[base] # (1)!
seed = 0 # (2)!
cuda_id = 0 # (3)!
experiment_name = "my_new_awesome_experiment" # (4)!

[logging] # (5)!
type = "comet" # (6)!
level = "info" # (7)!
format = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" # (8)!

[model] # (9)!
target = "./" # (10)!
arg1 = "..." # (11)!
arg2 = "..."

[training] # (12)!
epochs = 100 # (13)!
epoch_schedulers = [ # (14)!
    {target = "torch.optim.lr_scheduler::CosineAnnealingLR", T_max=100}

[training.checkpoint] # (15)!
path = "my_checkpoints" # (16)!
monitor = {metric = "MyScore", stage = "val"} # (17)!
filename = "{epoch}_{val_myscore:.2f}_some_name" # (18)!
mode = "max" # (19)!
save_top_k = 1

target = "torch.optim::Adam" # (20)!
lr = 0.0001 # (21)!
weight_decay = 0.03

target = "torch.nn::NLLLoss" # (22)!
weight = [0.1, 0.9] # (23)!

run_every_epoch = 1 # (24)!

target = "./" # (25)!

[dataset.trainval] # (26)!
arg1 = 10 # (27)!
arg2 = ...

[dataset.train] # (28)!
root_dir = "my_train_file.txt" # (29)!

root_dir = "my_val_file.txt"

[dataset.train.loader] # (30)!
batch_size = 10 # (31)!
shuffle = true
num_workers = 4

[dataset.validation.loader] # (32)!
batch_size = 10
shuffle = false
num_workers = 4

[dataset.test.loader] # (33)!
batch_size = 10
shuffle = false
num_workers = 4

[metrics] # (34)!
MyScore = { 
    target = "torchmetrics::Precision",  # (35)!
    task = "multiclass", # (36)!
    num_classes = 10}  
MySecondScore = {target = "torchmetrics::FBetaScore", task = "multiclass", num_classes = 10, beta = 0.1} 
  1. The section with base setup.
  2. Seed for pseudorandom numbers generator (to enable reproducibility).
  3. CUDA device ID to use (if you have just one GPU installed, use 0). To use CPU for learning, remove that line.
  4. Experiment name to use throughout the learning/logging process. Basically, it can be any text you want.
  5. Section for logging setup.
  6. One of supported logging services to use ("comet", "csv", "mlflow", "neptune", "tensorboard", "wandb"). If not set, csv will be used.
  7. Logging level for Python logger ("debug", "info", "warn", "error").
  8. Logging format according to Python logging documentation. Use supported attributes.
  9. ANN-model related configuration.
  10. Path to the subclass of Kit4DLAbstractModule. If can be an absolute or relative path followed by class name (e.g. ./ If the class is importable, you can specify its fully qualified name (e.g. some_package.some_module.MyNewNetwork).
  11. If you class MyNewNetwork have some parameters, you can specify them here (e.g. number of layers, number of hidden units, etc).
  12. The section with trening-specific configuration.
  13. Quite self-explanatory: number of epochs :)
  14. If you want to specify some epochs schedulers, you can add epoch_schedulers attribute in the configuration file. It should be a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary should have target attribute indicating a class to the scheduler, and - if needed - other arguments required by the scheduler class indicated in target property.
  15. You can specify model checkpointing!
  16. Directory where checkpoints should be saved.
  17. Attribute to indicate which metric should be tracked for checkpointing (e.g. to save the model with the best accuracy) and for which phase (suuported phases are: train, val).
  18. Pattern for saved checkpoint as indicated here. You can use metric defined in [metric] section using the pattern <stage>_<lowercase metric name> (e.g. val_myscore).
  19. You can also define some other arguments accepted by ModelCheckpoint
  20. Path to the optimizer class.
  21. The optimizer-specify arguments can be specified as extra attributes in the section.
  22. Path to the criterion class
  23. Weights for criterion specified as list of floats.
  24. How frequently validation should be run.
  25. Path to the subclass of Kit4DLAbstractDataModule
  26. If there is a common procedure for generating train/validation sSlit like random split the input data, you can define arguments in the section [dataset.trainval].
  27. Arguments for the prepare_trainvaldataset method of you subclass of Kit4DLAbstractDataModule might be passed as extra attributes in this section.
  28. If you want to specify different logic for train and validation datasets like loading separate formerly prepared files, you can use separate sections [dataset.train] and [dataset.validation].
  29. This is a sample argument passed to prepare_traindataset of you subclass of Kit4DLAbstractDataModule.
  30. Section for configuration of data loader for train dataset.
  31. You can define all arguments accepted by pytorch DataLoader
  32. Similarily for validation data loader...
  33. ... and the test one.
  34. The section contains metric used for evaluate model, save checkpoints, and store in services like Each metric is a dictionary whose key must be an only-letter text without white signs...
  35. target key for a metric should indicate a subclass of torchmetric.Metric base class or one of the metrics defined in torchmetric package (e.g. torchmetrics::Precision).
  36. Some extra arguments required by the given metric can be specified as other items in the dictionary.